Don't Shoot for the Stars This Time


I'll be honest- I'm not super big into New Year Resolutions and if I hear “new year, new me” one more time I might roll myself into an even deeper hangover than I’m already in. (Cheers)

One, if you want to build a new habit, work harder towards a relationship, spend more time on your yoga mat and less time on Netflix,(whatever it is) why wait for a mark on a calendar to determine your start date? Just do the damn thing. Or ease into doing the damn thing. And two! More times than not, the resolutions we set are big shooters that can be hard to stick to. That’s not to say that you can’t stick to them- I’m not trying to dump out anyone’s sparkles. Shine on my friend. But going back to big shooters, I want to talk about resolutions like "I’m going to eat healthier this year.” THIS IS MY FAVORITE. (Sarcasm noted.) 

Okay, so you want to eat healthier. That's amazing and I am totally here for it, obviously. But in all honesty, "eating healthier" can be an overwhelming resolution. And if you don't set specific action steps for how you are going to crush this new-foodie-you, it's easy to fall back into old habits after a week or two. So, here is my advice. Start slow

In nutritional therapy, we focus heavily on supporting specific foundations. We start by implementing a nutrient dense diet, then we address digestion, then blood sugar regulation, then essential fatty acids, mineral balance, and finally hydration. It’s a cascade effect that works north to south. My point? If I were to skip directly to hydration with a client and bypass diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, etc., it would be near meaningless.

So how does this relate to your New Year resolution of “eating healthier”?

Maybe don’t shoot for the stars for this one. Maybe don’t jump headfirst into a crazy fad diet. Maybe don’t have an expectation to lose x amount of pounds. Maybe don’t eliminate anything, but rather limit it. (Unless it’s canola oil, that sh*t is trash.)

There is no quick fix to your health, so stop searching for that magic pill- I’m telling you, it’s not out there. So what can you do? Start.

Pick out one thing. Pick out two. Pick out 7, whatever you can handle- and start there. Maybe the next time you go grocery shopping and every time thereafter, you swap out your white factory farmed eggs for free-range eggs and that’s IT. That’s your one feat. THAT’S AN AMAZING START.

Have grace with your body. Be patient with the process. Allow room for missteps.

Even though I’m not big on the resolutions, a new year is a new year. And if this is the day that is going to put a fire under your ass- RUN WITH IT. Know that you can absolutely do whatever you’re wanting to and manifest the crap out of it. This year has SO many amazing things in store (including a last name change) so I can’t wait to ball out with you guys.

If you are looking for some of my favorite simple food and product swaps, check out my “2020 Swap Guide” here!